Following the Live Chat blog that had star Hugh Jackman and director James Mangold answer questions for the fans, 20th Century Fox has released the new teaser poster for their next solo installment for the X-Men mutant hero Wolverine that's aptly titled "The Wolverine"! The film has been confirmed for a 3D release (news via Geek Tyrant), and will take place with Wolvie's next adventure happening in Japan. Chronologically set after the events of "X-Men: The Last Stand", debunking rumors of the movie being set as another prequel. There will be flashback scenes however that show Logan branding bone claws as several pics have shown on the internet.
If you missed out on the Live Chat session, here it is again courtesy of 20th Century Fox, Marvel, and YouTube!
For more information on The Wolverine, visit the official site of the movie and Facebook page!
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