Time for another year in review post... This time for the year 2012~! It's been a stellar year for movies, comics, games, and yes even music, and there's a lot I'd like to nominate from the circle of great choices that have made this a memorable time for all things popculture.
Now, before we sign off 2012 and get to the picks, here's a Happy New Year greeting to you all!
COMICS: Batman - Death of the Family
Still ongoing at the moment but promising to spiral down into a story Batfans will never forget, Scott Snyder has followed up on his epic "Court of Owls" run of The New 52 Batman series with the return of The Dark Knight's epic nemesis The Joker in a very sinister and gruesome form. Last seen in the pages of last year's relaunch of Detective Comics #1, the Clown Prince of Crime had his face removed and has finally returned... Targeting Batman and his allies in a way that will change them forever when all is said and done. This is sure to be a classic fans will never forget!
MOVIES: The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises
This is a tie, certainly because one ushered in the BIGGEST blockbuster superhero team-up movie ever and the FINAL CHAPTER of Christopher Nolan's epic Dark Knight Trilogy! Both movies took in a lot of Box Office Returns for 2012, but The Avengers clearly stood out on top between the two thanks to the sheer number of heroes gathered in the film.
On the other hand, The Dark Knight Rises also wrapped up the trilogy pretty well... A feat rarely accomplished by most superhero movies. The tale of Bruce Wayne's journey was weaved together well by Nolan and his team, and it will certainly go down as one of the best superhero movie adaptations ever based on realism and detail.
ANIMATED MOVIE: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part I
Long awaited and highly anticipated an animated adaptation, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part I certainly gave comic book fans who remember Frank Miller's seminal work a good treat of finally seeing an aged Batman returning from a 10 year self-imposed retirement to fight crime once more. It's missing some of the dialogue from the books that made it noteworthy but it's still fun as heck, especially with casting legendary Robocop actor Peter Weller as Bruce Wayne/ Batman! January will see Part II out in the market, and if you get a chance to pick this up in home video, do so.
GAMES: The Walkind Dead: The Game
Nominated as "Game of the Year" at this year's Spike TV Video Game Awards, I only recently played and finished the retail edition of The Walking Dead: The Game, and I can totally see why it earned that award hook, line, and sinker. Telltale games has crafted a compelling tale that tests your choices, your humanity, and how you can survive the zombie apocalypse with a band of other survivors and a little girl under your care. It's worth checking out, and very easy to play at that. In fact, the first episode that makes up this 5 episode season is free for the iOS and Xbox Live Marketplace.
TV SERIES: The Walking Dead - Season 3 and Arrow
Still at its mid-season hiatus, The newest season of The Walking Dead has proven that it has comeback strong and hard in presenting an action-packed drama full of zombies and humanity going head-to-head amidst the apocalypse. Rick Grimes and crew face tougher choices this season, and it's sure to be a memorable ride once it returns this February.
Arrow, the CW's newest superhero show based on the DC Comics character Green Arrow, feels a lot like Smallville and Batman Begins meets Lost, with Oliver Queen coming back to his hometown of Starling City and cleaning up crime based on a list his father gave to him. It's also on mid-season break til January, and is chalk full of guest appearances by other DC Characters that make this a good comic book show to check out.
MUSIC: Gangnam Style by PSY
I think it's pretty much self-explanatory why this became the music pick of 2012... PSY has exploded everywhere... A billion hits in YouTube!
And that wraps up what I like about 2012! Happy New Year, and looking forward to 2013!
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