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Accessibility is one of the biggest challenges game developers face. That's why IO Interactive took so much heat for saying the next Hitman game in the series was going to be more accessible. For a lot of games this often means that it's tailored for the lowest common denominator. So how will IO make Hitman: Absolution accessible but still challenging? With instinct.

Absolution will bring more insight into, series protagonist, Agent 47's thoughts and motivations by using a new gameplay mechanic, IO is calling "instinct". "Instinct is a new ability that actually manifests itself in the game a number of different ways. It allows you to see the world through Agent 47's eyes. For example, Instinct will allow you to sense enemies and predict their patrol paths, so you don't have to sit and watch your surroundings for a very long time in order to figure out what's going on. If you screw up a little bit by making a loud noise or something, you can actually use your Instinct to see if anyone is alerted to your presence. This gives you a chance to make some decisions such as moving a dead body to avoid raising alarms or kill the approaching enemy before anyone notices. That's just one way of using Instinct," said the developers in a recent interview.

How it will be represented in the game is a little unclear but it does sound interesting. The ability to essentially think like a trained assassin with a button press is an intriguing concept but can IO pull it off without making the game lose a lot of its challenge and player discovery?
Source: GameMarshal
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